Headache Treatment

A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. Serious causes of headaches are very rare. Most people with headaches can feel much better by making lifestyle changes, learning ways to relax, and sometimes by taking medications.

Tension headaches are caused by tight muscles in your shoulders, neck, and jaw, which are usually caused by poor posture or deviations of the spine. Stress, depression, and anxiety can also cause tension headaches. Tension headaches are usually on both sides of the head and often start at the back of your head and radiate forward. The pain is often dull or squeezing, like a tight band or vice.
Migraine headaches are severe in nature and are often described as pounding or pulsating. They often start on one side of the head and may spread to the other side. Sometimes an “aura” (warning sign) will alert you that a migraine is on the way. Vision changes and nausea are often associated with migraines. Pain is usually worsened with movement and lying in a dark room might give relief. MSG, chocolate, cheese, caffeine withdrawal, and alcohol may trigger migraines
Sinus headaches cause pain in the sinuses of the face. Sinus headaches are due to swelling of the sinuses due to a cold, allergy, or infection. Pain is increased as the head is tilted forward due to increased pressure.
Cluster headaches are very intense headaches that occur in groups or “clusters” that affect one side of the head near the eye region. Attacks occur from 1 week to a year and can go away for long periods of time.
Headaches may also be caused by flu, fever, cold, premenstrual syndrome, brain tumor, TMJ Disorder,
stroke, Meningitis, encephalitis, Very high blood pressure, tooth abscess, brain aneurysm, Hydrocephalus, Subdural hematoma, etc.