Musculoskeletal muscle spasm can result from a muscle that is strained or torn muscle (i.e. sports injury, car accident, lifting injury). Musculoskeletal muscle spasm can also be occur when muscles become dehydrated and are lacking electrolytes. Often people regard muscle spasms in the lower back or neck as a bad thing but muscle spasms in the spine can be the result of your body trying to protect itself from “pinched nerves” and swollen vertebral discs. When muscles go into spasm around the spine they limit your range of motion and force you to take it easy so you don’t aggravate swollen discs and irritated nerves thus allowing for healing to take place. Chronic muscle spasm can be the result of deviations in the spine from an uneven pelvis, scoliosis or improper posture.
Treatment for muscle spasm can include High Power Laser Therapy to reduce spasm; Active Release Technique for chronic muscle spasm; Massage; Gonstead Chiropractic Adjustments to restore normal spinal mechanics to help relax muscles and Ice Therapy to reduce inflammation of swollen muscles. It is always easier to maintain health than regain it so try and maintain good posture; get cardiovascular exercise at least 3 times a week; stretch daily and commit to a strengthening program of at least 2-3 times a week.